Just about everybody knows that Ford was the first to make production cars, but very few people know the name of the motorcycle company that produced history’s first production “Motor Cycle”. Joel Pennington has been credited with coming up with the name “Motor Cycle” in 1890. Yet, he has very little to do with the first production motorcycle. Sylvestor Roper’s steam velocipedes that was built between 1868 and 1892 was not intended for production. They actually were built for nothing more than experiments. It wasn’t until May of 1895 did that the first production motorcycle would get introduced to the world. The H & W Motor Cycle or properly know as the Hildebrand & Wolfmuller Motor Cycle.
Hildebrand & Wolfmuller Motor Cycle was designed by Alois Wolfmuller and Hans Geisenhof of Langsberg. The original patented was registered on January 20, 1894, patent number #78553.
After patenting the invention, the two believed to have teamed up with a company owned by Henry and Wilhelm Hildebrand. Hildebrand was a bicycle company that had attempted to invent a steam powered bicycle. After the failure of the steam powered bicycle adventure they took on the challenge of producing Alois Wolfmuller and Hans Geisenhof invention.
Many of the features of Hildebrand & Wolfmuller motorcycle still exist today on your modern day motorcycle. The throttle control was on the right hand grip as it today. While the placement of the front brake lever was located on the right side of the handlebars the brake itself was different than todays advanced braking system. When you pulled the brake it operated a spoon like braking system that is similar to today’s bicycles. Pulling the brake did not only apply the front brake, it also closed off the throttle. Foot pegs and fenders where also put on this very fist production motorcycle.

It was a well designed motorcycle for 1800’s. The tubing was not only for structure but it also was the first motorcycle to use the tubes for oil. Now that’s something that should interest a Buell rider who likely didn’t know their oil system was actually part of the design of the first production motorcycle. The water cooled engine had the water reservoir built into the back fender. That gave the back fender almost a box like look. The water reserve was similar to Edward Bultler’s Petroleum Cycle of 1891. Edward Bultler’s bike was not a production motorcycle. The H & W Motor Cycle was the first motorcycle to use pneumatic tires, created by Dunlop. The rear wheel was a solid 22 wheel.
The H & W Motorcycle had a 1498cc Benzine engine that produced a top speed of 24 mph. The fuel tank was located between the motorcycles front down tubes could hold up to 12 hours of worth of fuel. The engine was designed with two large cylinders, one on each side of the frame. Each one using a connecting rod linked to a spindle on the rear 22 inch tire. The use of elastic straps helped with the return stroke.
Starting the motorcycle was one of the biggest downfalls of the motorcycle. To start the motorcycle they partially filled a reservoir with benzine or gasoline. Then things got interesting. They would open the ignition door which automatically closed the air supply tubes. Then they lit it with an alcoholic torch! When the tubes became red hot it would put tension on the rubber bands and at that point they would move the motorcycle forward until and explosion occurs! Yes I did say an explosion occurs! Since there was no clutch on the motorcycle the explosion would immediately provide power to the back wheel. So yes they would immediately ride away on the motorcycle.

Since the motorcycle was the only one on the market, the company looked destined for success.They entered there motorcycle in the 62 mile Italian road trials, in which they were quite successful. They then decided to enter the motorcycles into the Paris-Bordeaux-Parris rally in June of 1895. This appears to be the turning point for the company. During the 732 mile race the hot-tube ignition system became apparent. The immediate power sent to the rear wheel once the bike started became an obvious problem.
They had made approximately 800 motorcycles, but were selling the motorcycle for less than the cost of making the motorcycle. That coupled with customer complaints about the ignition system and impulse power eventually pushed both of the companies into bankruptcy in 1897. Just before the motorcycle revolution took off.